Please find attached some links to support your child with their home learning today. Please remember that Times Table Rockstars and Bug Club can also be used.
Reading weighing scales with different intervals
Newsletters 2022-23
Please find Summer 2 newsletter below that explains the learning that will take place in Year 3 after the holidays.
Please find Summer 1 newsletter below that explains the learning that will take place in Year 3 after the holidays.
Please find Spring 2 newsletter below that explains the learning that will take place in Year 3 after the holidays.
Please find Spring 1 newsletter below that explains the learning that will take place in Year 3 after the holidays.
Please find Autumn 2 newsletter below that explains the learning that will be taking place in Year 3.
Please find Autumn 1 newsletter below that explains the learning that will be taking place in Year 3.
Year 3 Activities 2022-23
Year 3 have been making a greek salad in DT. We followed a design criteria to ensure our end product was appropriate for our audience. 🥒🍅🍴
Year 3 have been writing non-chronological reports in English! We have used everything we learnt in our curriculum lessons, videos, library books and research using the ipads to write about volcanoes and earthquakes! Take a look at their amazing work!
Year 3 visited Magna and had lots of fun visiting the different parts. We took part in a workshop about volcanoes and how to identify the types of rock.
Year 3 have been learning about capacity and volume in Maths. We used water in different sized containers!
Take a look at Year 3’s World Book Day outfits! 📚📚
Year 3 have started looking at measuring mass in Maths. We have used the weighing scales to weigh different items in class- we had to count up in 25’s to read each interval! 📕✏⌚
Year 3 have been using a range of media to print. We will be using these to create art work inspired by Banksy. 🎨🖌
Year 3 have been putting houses, tools and clothing from different prehistoric periods onto a timeline. We have looked at how these changed from the stone age into the bronze age and iron age. 👀⚒📚
Year 3 have started learning how to find fractions of amounts. We have used practical equipment to share the amount equally and then looked at the numerator to check how many groups we need to count. We will move onto solve problems including fractions. 📚
Please click the link below for the Year 3 Home Learning Page
Year 3 Learning Activities | Horton Grange Primary School | Bradford (
CEOP – If you are concerned about a child, please click this link.
Year 3 Activities 2021-22
Year 3 have started their new topic learning all about the Stone Age. They used their enquiry skills to investigate a range of sources and find out more about this era. They will move onto looking at how the Stone Age was different to the Iron Age!
The children and teachers in Year 3 raised awareness about the Anti-Bullying campaign and wore odd socks to show that being unique and special is amazing!
Year 3 celebrated Children in Need and raised money by dressing up as Pudsey Bear and Blush. We learnt about the charity and how it helps people in need.
Year 3 Autumn 2 newsletter
Year 3 Autumn 1 Newsletter
The children in Year 3 have been completing their home learning projects. Take a look at some of our fantastic work!
For British Science week (w/c 9th March 2020) the children in Year 3 have been using their enquiry skills to find out more about plants. The children explored the school grounds looking for plants and then compared these to plants which grow in other countries to find similarities and differences.
In PSHE this week we have been team building and working collaboratively. We had to compete in our teams to build the highest strongest tower using paper, elastic bands, string and sellotape. Hermione were the winning team in 3A!
As part of our RE work comparing the similarities and differences between different religions the children in Year 3 visited the church on Monday 10th February. We will use this to help us to compare different religious buildings.
In Year 3 we have kicked started our Spring Science topic ‘Rocks’ by creating our own sedimentary rocks! The children can all explain how sedimentary rocks are formed and how long the process takes.
The children in Year 3 have taken part in some WW2 workshops today (17.12.19) where they learnt all about what life would have been like during the war. The children’s acting skills were fantastic!
On Thursday last week (12.12.19) the children held their own World War 2 themed day. We made our own gas mask boxes and did lots of different activities. Look at some of our amazing costumes and work!
This week the children are exploring their Science topic ‘light’. The children planned and carried out their own investigations to find out which materials reflect light. The children recorded their results and also thought about the reasons why.
We have been reading the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ in English and this week we have been debating whether or not Arthur should go on a quest into the mountains. The children gave their opinions and explained their reasons during our class debate. The children will now use this to help them write a letter to Arthur to persuade him!
Over October half term the children were set a project to research and create either a poster or a model of an air raid shelter. Take a look at our fantastic work…
This week in Year 3 we have been using a range of sources to find out about what Bradford was like during the Second World War! After the holidays we will use this to help us compare what Bradford was like in the past to what Bradford is like today! (24.10.19)
As part of our learning about World War II we have been finding out all about the blackouts! We investigated a range of materials to find out which would be the most suitable to use during a blackout.
Some of the children in Year 3 were lucky enough to visit Bradford Cathedral to find out all about the history of Bradford through the use of film and photography. They had a very interesting afternoon!
The children in Year 3 have been acting out scenes this week from the story ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’
Year 3 enjoyed their visit to Eden camp where they learnt all about World War 2!
The children in Year 3 have been using their place value knowledge to help them solve a range of Maths problems.
Autumn 1 Newsletter
Year 3 really enjoyed our visit to Newby Hall and gardens this week!
Year 3 had a brilliant time at the church exhibition! They looked at different artefacts and even dressed up in some of the outfits they saw.
Year 3 had an amazing afternoon investigating the different parts of plants.
Summer 2 Newsletter
Year 3 have been practising drawing the foreground, middle ground and background in Art. Take a look at our fantastic work using pastels!
Look at some of the fantastic projects produced by Year 3 pupils over the Easter break!
Summer 1 Newsletter
Year 3 had a fantastic day learning all about the origins of chocolate at our chocolate workshop!
Take a look at some of our fantastic Mayan masks!
We had an amazing time during Aspirations Week!
The Year 3 children who attended the residential last week had an amazing time!
Take a look at the awesome Mayan masks we have started making in DT!
We’ve been carrying out lots of exciting experiments for British Science Week this week!
Year 3 have been using expression when reading out our ‘Please Mrs Butler’ poems this week!
Year 3 have completed some fantastic projects about Mayans during the half term break, they will be using these to support their learning in History.
Spring 2 Newsletter
3B have been researching and debating in Science and History this week! They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and could use the talk frames confidently.
Year 3 loved their visit to Cresswell Craggs last Friday! We learnt lots about life in the Stone Age!
Year 3 have started their science topic on rocks. The children have learnt about different types of rocks and used magnifying glasses to look for crystals!
Year 3 have been learning about Online Safety with PC Arif this week.
Spring 1 Newsletter
Year 3 have had a great time decorating cupcakes today!
Year 3 have been learning to play ‘Jingle Bells’ on their recorders this week!
Year 3 have been designing their own chocolate packaging. The children have included their own logo, the product name, the product picture, ingredients and a slogan! We can’t wait to show you the finished masterpieces!
Year 3 have been writing and performing plays this week during our English lessons.
Year 3 have done some fantastic art work this half term related to their topic – World War Two
Year 3 enjoyed our fantastic theatre workshop on Wednesday. We will be using what we learnt to inspire our writing over the next few weeks.
Take a look at some of the fantastic ‘Chocolate’ projects completed by Year 3 pupils during half term!
Children have also be doing some fantastic writing, inspired by Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
Year 3 have been learning about World War 2 this term. We visited Bankfield museum and took part in a workshop all about the different roles and responsibilities in the war.
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
Next half term we will be writing an imaginative story based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and our educational visit will be to Cadbury World on the 23rd November to see how chocolate is made and packaged. In Maths we will be focusing on multiplication and understanding money. The children will also be learning about materials in Science which will link to their DT work to make their own packaging.
Year 3 enjoyed the trip to Cadbury’s World, where they had an opportunity to develop their knowledge about the Mayans and how chocolate was discovered and is made. The children went on a tour of the factory and visited the 4D cinema. It was fantastic!
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
KODAK Digital Still Camera
The children in Year 3 went on a visit to Cartwright Hall to take part in some Art workshops linked to our Pop Art topic. We created our own Pop Art using printing, cutting and sticking and drawing.
The children in Year 3 visited Bankfield Museum to develop their knowledge about World War 2. They enjoyed dressing up as evacuees, and offered their own thoughts and opinions about what it would feel like to be an evacuee.