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Please find the Nursery newsletter for Autumn 1.
Nursery Learning Activities | Horton Grange Primary School | Bradford (
The children in Nursery have been learning about floating and sinking. Which of these items do you think will float? Which of these items do you think will sink?
The Nursery children have enjoyed painting Daffodils and Bluebells using a range of different media and materials.
Please click the link below to view Nursery’s Newsletter for Spring Two.
Please click the link below to view Nursery’s Newsletter for Spring One.
The Nursery children have enjoyed making and exploring snow this week.
The Nursery children enjoyed taking part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week.
The Nursery children have been learning about using different materials and have made some poppies for Remembrance day.
The Nursery children have been exploring nature and have been very creative in their ideas for using the natural materials.
Nursery Newsletter Autumn 2
The children were really excited to see the train track Miss Goodwin had made. They enjoyed taking it apart and making their own versions.
CEOP – If you are concerned about a child, please click this link.
Autumn 1 Newsletter
Nursery loved the visit to St Leonards Farm last week!
Spring 1 Newsletter
Nursery really enjoyed learning about Halloween!
Nursery have been searching for signs of Autumn this week!