Inclusion Quality Mark
We are extremely delighted that we have recently achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark at Centre of Excellence status!
School Mental Health Award
We are extremely proud to have achieved the Mental Health School Award to Silver level!
City of Sanctuary
We are proud to announce that we are now officially the first school in Bradford to receive the City of Sanctuary Award!
This is a prestigious award which recognises our schools work on raising awareness of equalities, tolerance and anti-racism and the work we do around refugees.
Mr Stephenson and Mrs Ahmed attended the celebration and received £50 which will be spent on buying books for our new schools library. Please see the Asian Express (page 8) article which publicised a story on our achievement.
Engaging Families Award
Horton Grange Primary School has been awarded the Engaging Families Award for all the hard work the school, the extended services and families do to engage the community in learning.
The school welcomed assessors into the building to view the portfolio of work we do, as well as speaking to families and a range of staff about topics such as; parent courses, homework, working with EXCEED, first aid training and parent/carer volunteers.
They took no time in deciding that the school goes above and beyond to ensure we have a learning community that works together to help all families have access to a range of experiential opportunities.
Please see here for more information.
Inclusion Quality Mark
We are extremely proud to announce that we have been awarded with the Inclusion Quality Mark award. This award recognises and celebrates the inclusive practice we offer across school through our curriculum, ethos and school vision. This is a huge achievement and a tribute to the outstanding team work from our staff, children, Governors and parents.