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The PE curriculum at Horton Grange Primary School is based on the PE National Curriculum as outlined by the DfE. Pupils are taught to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. In addition, it provides opportunities to become involved in a range of sports.

Our curriculum is structured in a way that introduces new and more challenging content which builds on previous skills and knowledge. Horton Grange follow the scheme of work, which includes learning about a range of sports and incorporates both intra and inter school competitions. Taking part in competitions allows pupils to understand the competitive element of sport and PE. The high-quality PE curriculum delivered within Horton Grange not only impacts positively on pupils within the subject but also across the wider curriculum through the use of transferable skills such as self-reflection and self -evaluation.  


In EYFS pupils have access to an outdoor area which helps to develop their gross and fine motor skills through a range of different equipment. From Reception they begin to have PE lessons in the school hall following a different theme each half term as listed on the Long-Term Plan. The lessons develop declarative knowledge such as understanding the need for safety when tackling new challenges and considering and managing some risks when using equipment. Pupils also develop procedural knowledge by playing in a group and showing increasing control when catching or throwing a large ball.

Key Stage 1

In Year 1, pupils develop skills to support team games such as, rounders, football, netball, handball and golf alongside early gymnastics and dance.  A different variety of sports are introduced in Year 2 including tennis, cricket, basketball, badminton hockey and tag rugby. In both year groups, the pupils study orienteering which links to other parts of the curriculum such as Maths and Geography.  Athletics is taught in the summer term.

Lower Key Stage 2

In Lower Key Stage 2, pupils expand their knowledge and experience by continuing to develop skills in gymnastics and dance with further progression in creating sequences and working with others.  More detailed orienteering skills are developed.  In Year 3, the PE curriculum builds on previous skills to develop pupil’s participation in football, handball and golf. Further sports are introduced including rounders and volleyball.  Dodgeball is introduced in Year 4 alongside a continued development of hockey, tag rugby, badminton, basketball and tennis. Athletics is covered in the summer term.

Upper Key Stage 2

In Upper Key Stage 2, pupils develop and combine more complex PE skills with sport leaders being introduced. Year 5 focuses on football, handball, golf, volleyball and netball with Year 6 adding frisbee as well as continuing to develop skills and knowledge through tag-rugby, dodgeball, badminton basketball and tennis. Dance and gymnastics are further developed including creating large group balances of up to 8 people and working in a group to build sequences using apparatus.