At Horton Grange Primary School, we see Religious Education (RE) as an opportunity to celebrate and understand a rich diversity of faiths and cultures and their connection to common values, which contribute to the life of the community. The teaching of RE embeds fundamental British Values so that pupils leave Horton Grange as well-rounded individuals in society. RE ensures pupils have a good understanding of worldviews, religious and cultural differences and comparing religious views to non-religious views. Pupils are taught awareness of diversity as well as sensitivity to the questions and challenges that different views and cultures can represent.
The use of the Believing and Belonging curriculum ensures that pupils’ learning is stimulating interest and nurturing understanding of religious/worldviews. The curriculum is designed around six big ideas;
- Big Idea 1: The Nature of Religion and Belief
- Big Idea 2: Expressing Belief
- Big Idea 3: A Good Life
- Big Idea 4: Personal Journey
- Big Idea 5: Influence and Authority
- Big Idea 6: The Big Picture
Our RE curriculum is sequenced to implement a broad and rigorous understanding of religion/worldviews in the context of our local communities and our country. Pupils will be exposed to a wide range of opportunities to deepen their understanding through a range of extra-curricular activities.
Each year group focuses on a big idea each half term. Through the big ideas, pupils will look at different religious and non-religious views whilst focusing on a key question.
In Nursery and Reception, pupils explore key topics relating to the local community, understanding and caring for the world, special occasions, the people in our community and why objects are special within religious/non-religious views.
Key Stage 1
In Year 1, pupils explore caring for others; importance of symbols for new life; the reasons why some people pray; making good choices and belonging to a community of belief. In Year 2, the curriculum expands the pupils understanding of festivals in a community, religious/worldviews on the wonderful world and the importance of stories helping believers live their life. Pupils will explore religious/non-religious views throughout the topics.
Lower Key Stage 2
In Lower Key Stage 2, pupils continue to expand their knowledge of learning how the faiths and beliefs are expressed differently across our country; a deeper understanding of how holy books and stories can help understand the world. Pupils will also learn about inspirational leaders and why individuals are inspired by them and how key faiths in religions help people lead a good life. Pupils will continue to learn about the six big ideas throughout Year 3 and Year 4.
Upper Key Stage 2
In Upper Key Stage 2, pupils will further develop the big ideas through understanding values and forgiveness, understanding key religious rights and passages whilst incorporating all previous learning about festivals, celebrations, faiths and using religious/non-religious views to compare. In Year 6, pupils have opportunities to compare different religious beliefs and understand the importance of using fundamental British Values to become well- rounded individuals in society.
Religious Education at Horton Grange Primary School
Religious Education (RE) is an important part of our curriculum, supporting pupils in exploring different beliefs and worldviews while promoting respect and understanding. We understand that parents may have questions about their child's participation in RE. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the school office.