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At Horton Grange Primary School, we see music as fundamental part of the curriculum that engages and inspires pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. Music is fundamental to our humanity and civilization. Every pupil deserves the opportunity to engage with music of all styles and from all cultures, to develop their own musical journey. The teaching of music encourages creativity and imagination and is a powerful tool for enhancing mental wellbeing. It provides a unique way of understanding and responding to the world.

Through the use of Charanga’s Model Music Curriculum as a scheme, pupils will learn about and deepen their musical understanding. Pupils will learn to understand and connect with different styles of music from various cultures and begin to make their own musical decisions based on the skills and knowledge learnt through lessons. Throughout the Charanga scheme pupils will have an opportunity to:

  • Understand Music
  • Listen and Respond
  • Learn to Sing
  • Play Instruments
  • Improvise
  • Compose
  • Perform


In the Early Years, music is learnt and explored through expressive arts and design within EYFS Statutory Educational Programme. This allows pupils to explore music through listening, exploring sounds through play along with listening to rhymes and creating actions to different songs with different rhythms, pitches and tempos.

Key Stage 1

Throughout year 1 pupils will explore the musical heartbeat. They will be exposed to the pulse or beat of songs and continue to use this as they explore sounds, learning to describe music as well as learning to sing collectively. In year 2 these skills will be deepened by exploring pulse, rhythm and pitch.

Lower Key Stage 2

Within year 3, pupils are exposed to musical symbols that build on rhythm and pitch. They begin to use notation to play collectively and are exposed to new and exciting musical genres. Year 4 continue to use musical symbols and apply this whilst learning how to play the guitar.

Upper Key Stage 2

In year 5 pupils explore harmonies and how different melodies can support these, through singing and playing instruments. They begin to develop their musical abilities by combining notes which can be played together, deepening their understanding. As pupils move into year 6, they begin to look at digital software to build music and melodies.