At Horton Grange Primary School, we see PSHE as a fundamental part of the curriculum, which teaches pupils the skills and attributes they need to be a well-rounded citizen of society. The PSHE curriculum has been developed in a way, which allows pupils to learn how to be empathetic and respectful towards others, keep themselves and others safe. It also teaches pupils how to manage their mental health and emotional well-being through a range of strategies. PSHE is taught through the ‘You Me and PSHE’ curriculum, which ensures that the statutory content of PSHE is taught within school at an age-appropriate level, whilst also remaining sensitive to the needs of our pupils and families. A focus on British Values encourages pupils to learn and understand why they are important and the significance they have within the society we live in. PSHE is taught on a weekly basis, and each topic follows a sequence of lessons, which have been carefully planned to ensure that each lesson builds upon prior knowledge and there is a clear line of progression. PSHE lessons are taught in a variety of ways, including a range of written activities, scenario-based questions and debates. These exciting lessons provide pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure they make well informed decisions both in school and within the wider world.
In the Early Years, PSHE is learnt and explored through all 7 areas of learning. PSHE develops pupils’ understanding and awareness surrounding: building relationships with new people, developing responsibility, showing sensitivity to needs of themselves and others and learning about their likes, dislikes and boundaries.
Key Stage 1
In Year 1 and Year 2, pupils begin to build on their understanding of physical health and well-being, including healthy eating, how to look after their mental health and well-being and the importance of oral hygiene and sleep. They also learn how to keep themselves and others safe in school, home and the wider community. Pupils continue to learn about themselves, how they are similar or different to others and how this is celebrated. The PSHE curriculum also begins to show pupils the importance of money and the differences between needs and wants.
Lower Key Stage 2
In Lower Key Stage 2, pupils expand their knowledge of keeping safe and managing risk and discuss how bullying can be challenged, stopped and the impact it can have on someone’s mental health and well-being. The pupils begin to form their own strategies to cope with different feelings and emotions and learn how to make informed decisions to further develop their understanding of what keeps them healthy and why this is important.
Upper Key Stage 2
In Upper Key Stage 2, pupils continue to develop their understanding of identity, society and equality and the strategies used to challenge stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice. They continue to develop their own financial literacy and the importance of earning, borrowing and budgeting money. They discuss human rights and how growing up comes with a range of challenges and changes and how to deal with those in an appropriate manner. They discuss what a healthy relationship looks like and develop further their self-awareness and respect for others.