At Horton Grange, we are successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. An important part of this is having the correct uniform.
Our school uniform can be purchased from the below shops:
Natasha’s Schoolwear: 37 Westgate, Bradford BD1 2QT
The Uniform Shop: 50-52 Darley St, Bradford BD1 3HN
If you are struggling with uniform costs and need support, we have a range of good quality second hand uniform in school. Please contact a member of the Pastoral team if you require support.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Required Uniform:
- Maroon Sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
- White polo shirt or shirt
- Grey skirt / pinafore dress / trousers or grey shalwar kameez
- Plain black – hijab (head scarf)
- Plain, low black shoes, ankle boots or plain black trainers
Additional Options for Summer
- Red gingham dresses
- Grey cloth shorts
PE Uniform
- Navy blue or black shorts
- Navy blue or black jogging bottoms / leggings
- White t-shirt
- Trainers / black PE pumps
- School hoodie (Optional)
Year 4 Required Swimming Kit
- Swimming trunks
- Swimsuit or full body swimming suit
- Swimming cap
- Towel
- On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The only jewellery allowed in school are stud earrings.
- For health and safety reasons, all long hair should always be tied back. Only dark coloured hair accessories should be worn. No extreme haircuts or colours e.g. train tracks, lines, patterns or hair dye.