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Online Safety

At Horton Grange, we ensure that knowledge of online safety is not only discussed as part of a Computing lesson, but that it is linked to all areas of the curriculum. Children are encouraged to discuss topics within online safety with their teachers and peers and this is prompted by appropriate questioning which have been adapted according to the children’s level of understanding.

The ProjectEVOLVE toolkit is based on the UK Council for Internet Safety framework “Education for a Connected World”. This framework covers knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes across eight strands of our online lives from early years right through to eighteen.

These strands are:

  • Self image and identity
  • Online Relationships
  • Online Reputation
  • Online Bullying
  • Managing Online Information
  • Health, Wellbeing and Lifestyle
  • Privacy and Security
  • Copyright and Ownership

By using ProjectEVOLVE, it has supported us in knowing what our children already know about specific topics in Online Safety, but also how to support our children further and the appropriate questions that can be asked to address and challenge any misconceptions. Children are given opportunities to discuss elements of Online Safety both at home and in school and ways in which situations could be handled if they were to happen.

Useful links for parents in supporting children with technology at home

Parental Controls guidance - Devices - Internet Matters

Age Restrictions

A range of guidance for parents/carers on all apps and games (free sign up).

Top tips on how to manage screen time with your child at home: 5 top tips to manage children’s screen time - Internet Matters

NSPCC- Supporting parents with Online Safety: Keeping children safe online | NSPCC